Delivering best-in-class service is our signature, which is why we’re proud, but not surprised, to count the following DRG locations as Signature Restaurants for 2024. Congratulations to all who worked so hard for this much deserved recognition!
As a reminder, Signature Restaurants are a part of the top 2% of Taco Bell restaurants who achieve five-star status all year long. The top 100 General Managers and Area Coaches will achieve Golden Bell status with a celebratory trip to Hawaii!
Store 30791
General Manager: Belson Juarez
Area Coach: Ramneet Kaur
Store 30796
General Manager: Bryan Hermoza
Area Coach: Carolina Brandau
Store 37328
General Manager: Pedro Favela
Area Coach: James Aman
Store 39842
General Manager: Nereo Alvarez
Area Coach: Stephanie Juarez
Store 40763
General Manager: Yaritza Navarro
Area Coach: Paola Heredia
Store 34404
General Manager: Shelly Duran
Area Coach: Albert Green
Store 37172
General Manager: Franklin Arnold Jr
Area Coach: Shelby Bowen
Store 32366
General Manager: Darren Espy
Area Coach: Debbie King